Artists Historians Curators

Tan Ping

Tan Ping
Tan Ping

Tan Ping


Born in Chengde, China


1989 – 1994  Master of Arts and Degree of “Meisterschule” by Prof. Klaus Fußmann, Free Art Department of Berlin Art University

1989–1994   Awarded the West German Cultural Exchange Scholarship Deutschen Akademischen (DAAD)

1984               Graduated from the Printmaking Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), Beijing

Academic Career

2004 – Present   Deputy Chancellor, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing (CAFA)

1999 – 2003        Professor and Director of Design Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA)

1994                        Lecturer, Design Department, CAFA

1984 – 1989         Lecturer, Printmaking Department, CAFA

Tan Ping's Studio

Tan Ping's Studio

Selected Exhibitions


2009    Tan Ping, Yun Gallery, Beijing, China (solo).

2009    Sottovoce: Painting, Photography and Video, officinal, Factory 798, Beijing, China (group)

2008    The Grit between the Stones. A Meeting between Swedish and Chinese Contemporary Painting at Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm,Sweden   (group)

2008    The Grit between the Stones. A Meeting between Swedish and Chinese Contemporary Painting at the National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China (group)

2008   China macht Druck. Zeitgenössische chinesische Druckgrafik, Bietigheim- Bissingen, Germany (group)

2008   M Art Center, Shanghai, China (group)

2008   Tan Ping, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China (solo)

2008   Tan Ping, Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen, China (solo)

2007   Tan Ping Art, Studio Rouge, Shanghai, China (solo)

2007   John Sundkvist/ Tan Ping Joint Exhibition, Red Gate, Beijing, China (group)

2007   Afternoon Tea- Tan Ping, Yang Yue, Kang Jian Fei, Liu Wentao. Yun Gallery, Beijing, China (group)

2006   Red Gate Gallery’s 15th Anniversary, Beijing, China (group)

2006    Melbourne Art Fair, Melbourne (group)

2005   Tan Ping Art, National Art Gallery (NAGC), Beijing, China (solo)

2005    Tan Ping Art, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China (solo)

2004    New Woodcuts, ALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN I BEIJING, Berlin, Germany (solo)

2003    Tan Ping New Woodcuts, Red Gate Gallery (solo)

2002    Contemporary Chinese Printmaking, Red Gate Gallery

2001    Contemporary Chinese works of Excellence, Shanghai Arts Centre

2001    Square Studio, Shanghai Art Museum

2000   Black/ White Time, Red Gate Gallery (solo)

1999    Tan Ping-Recent Etching, Red Gate Gallery (solo)

1999     Black/ White World – Tan Ping Etching, Asian Fine Arts Warehouse, Berlin (solo)

1999     Square Studio, Konrad Adenauer Foundation Center, Bonn, Germany

1998     The First Exhibition of Square Studio, Gallery of the International Art Palace Beijing

1998     Retake: A Selected Exhibition Reviewing Red Gate Artists’ Signature Works curated by Car Fitzpatrick, Red Gate Gallery

1997     Tan Ping- Recent Etching, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China (solo)

1997     Three Printmakers from the CAFA, Red Gate Gallery

1996      Beijing – Berlin, German Embassy, Beijing

1995      Introducing Tan Ping, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China (solo)

1994      Beijing Contemporary Art Gallery (solo)

1994      Christof Weber Gallery, Berlin (solo)

1993      Moench Gallery, Berlin (solo)

1991      City Hall, Germering Gallery, Munich, Germany (solo)

Tan Ping's at Work

Tan Ping's at Work


Ludwig Museum, Germany; Portland Art Museum, USA; National Art Gallery of China; Shenzhen Art Museum; Shanghai Art Museum; Qingdao Art Museum; University of Sydney; and numerous private collections.


2006 Offside –Design: in the name of Inheritance, Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House

2006 Role –Design: in the name of education, Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House

2005 Printing by Tan Ping, Hebei Education Press

2005 Crossing, Hebei Education Press

2003 Story of Growth, Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House

2002 Artistic Public—Design: in the name of Interview, Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House

2002 Spiritual Dissociation, coauthor, People’s Fine Arts Publishing House

2000 “Over the Limit”, Art Research, Issue 1

1999 China Airlines in Flight Magazine, Jan/Feb

1998 Zhang Zhaohui, Tan Ping at Red Gate Gallery, Asian Art News, Nov/Dec

1998 Red Gate Gallery Artists, Art life, Sep/ Oct

1998 Karen Smith, Square Studio at the International Art Palace, Asian Art News,

July/ August

1998 Square Studio, Semi-Sociologist and the Scheme of Alchemist, Art life, May/


1998 Tan Ping, Recent Etchings, Catalogue

1998 The Discussion of Chinese Art in the Period of Transformation, Square Studio

1996 Beijing –Berlin, Catalogue

1996 Dai Shihe, An Interview with Tan Ping, Fine Arts Literature Chinese Printmaking Album, Vol. 1